Sunday 29 June 2008

The old strange ways still go on in Celtic Cornwall

Will this spread to house burnings, people said so and I know it has it Wales recently, we attended a group burning at a remote location in the far west of Kernow (Cornwall) and on an ancient menhir site - a menhir being a standing stone. There were about 50 people there. Into my pocket I smuggled a dictaphone (small tape recorder) The items thrown onto the fire were a St George's Flag and a doll wrapped in the Union Flag - the hatred there was incredible and surprised even me. We were not allowed cameras. Some wore kilts, some jeans and combat jackets and the main man so to speak a long white robe - not blue like the bards and claimed he was a Druid much older than the Bards. The words I recorded were this (excuse spellings, dictaphones don't do that for you !):

Through the year’s circle of Samonios, Dumannios, Riuros, Anagantios, Ogronios, Cutios, Giamonios,
Simivisonios, Equos, Elembiuos, Edrinios and Cantlos, our Feasts of Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane,
Litha, Lamma, Maban and Samhain,
Celtic Archangel and Lord Protector Saint Michael look down upon us and our countries of Alba
and Saint Andrew, Mannin and Saint MaugholdMaughold, Cymru and Saint David, Eire and Saint Patrick,
Kernow and Saint Piran and Breizh and Santez Anna
Send the King of birds amongst us, the Chough which carries the spirit of the kings and in particular
Your High King, Arthur, to be returned as promised together with his knights, advised by the everlasting
Druids and descendants immortal of Merlin and in whose complete memory today we make this
Burnt sacrifice - then placed St George’s flag and doll wrapped in Union Flag describing it as a
Wiccan English image upon fire -as an offering calling upon you to bring death and destruction upon the
English and their children and their children’s children who are visited upon our islands like a
scummy plague. May they burn like these offerings.

All those present then cheered and a container of honeyed wine called mead was passed around. I was scared but impressed !

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