Sunday, 11 May 2008

A Media release from the Celtic League:


An online petition has been created calling for the repatriation ofIrishman Noel Maguire, who is being held in a jail in England.The petition was set up by 'Political Status Ireland' and calls onthe 'Offices of the Irish Minister for Justice' in the Republic ofIreland to 'Bring Noel Maguire Home'. The petition reads:"Noel Maguire is an Irish citizen who is being held in an Englishprison. He has been the victim of a violent assault where he nearlylost his life. His family, friends, and loved ones want him repatriated.The English government have approved this but the Irish governmentare delaying the repatriation.This petition is for his repatriation and for his health, well being,and human rights."At the 2007 AGM in Caerdydd/Cardiff, the Celtic League unanimouslypassed the following resolution:"The Celtic League seeks the repatriation of Noel Maguire to a prisonin Éire, in consideration of the physical and psychological stressthat the prisoner has been under over the last year and being thelast of six co-defendants to remain in a prison in England."The League has campaigned on behalf of Maguire for over a year andhas written a number of letters to both the British and the Irishauthorities campaigning for his release.

Letters of support can be sent to Mr Maguire at the address below and the petition can be signed by following the link under it. Noel MaguireHMP Full Sutton,York. YO41 IPS.England

Online petition:

Noel Maguire - a freedom fighter for one Eire - being made a scapegoat by the English Imperial System. One day, the English will be called to account for their actions. Noel, we are with you in Celtic Solidarity.

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